CONTACT: Senator Rosalind Kurita
Pamela George
Office: (615) 741-2374*Home: (931) 358-2005
July 13, 2001
'No new taxes' budget passes General Assembly
The General Assembly reached a consensus this week, passing a plan that
balances the state budget without increasing the sales tax or imposing a
new state income tax. The "no new taxes" budget cuts $338 million in
spending from the Governor's $19.2 billion proposed budget.
The budget legislation was passed to the Governor following a 20-9 vote in
the Senate and 72-25 vote in the House. Senator Rosalind Kurita voted
"yes" for the no new taxes budget.
Senator Kurita said this year's budget process was complicated by the
Governor's proposal to start an array of new programs requiring more state
funding and placing unfunded mandates on local governments. "The
Governor's budget called for a lot of new money. The administration
proposed costly new programs that the state couldn't afford without new
taxes," Senator Kurita said. "I strive to be the voice of the people that
I represent when I vote on legislation on Capitol Hill. The people in my
district clearly said they did not want to 'grow' government and did not
want an income tax. I listened."
Senator Kurita said the $338 million in budget cuts reflect the "will of
Tennesseans" who favor spending cuts over additional taxes. "These cuts
send a clear signal to taxpayers that members of the Tennessee General
Assembly listen."
Sen. Kurita said the budget places funding priorities on education, health
care and public safety.