At a recent 911 board meeting postmaster Sawyer told the board that there were still problems with the addresses some where people were offered two addresses because of having dual driveways some even on different roads to private roads with multiple houses. Other problems are that over 1000 resident have no idea what their 911 address because they have a post office box and were never notified of the changes. The new addressing system, using street names and house numbers is based on a 5.2 feet measuring system and was undertaken primarily to comply with the Enhanced 911 emergency system which requires specific house or building identification for emergency response. The new numbered street address will flash on a computer screen at a primary answering point dispatch center when a caller dials 911. According to sawyer this is all well and good and hopes that the address is not ever required for that reason but the mail and other delivery services are there every day. One big problem is the naming of private roads that the post office is not allowed to use unless there is a hard ship problem. The fix for this is to put your mail box as close to your private road as possible while leaving it on a public maintained road kind of a snow route for school busses except this is the mail. Other problems were that houses on corners having driveways on one street even though houses face the other street. Our 911 board has chosen to use the street that your driveway is on because this is were the ambulance or other emergency services would access your residence. One company only wanted to know that 911 would not change their adress again because of the tremendous expense in changing all of their required paper work. other problems were no shared database between 911 and the post office meaning that the post office was offten unaware of changes . The good news is that 911 is close to what has been a tremendous undertaking that could save your life there are still some minor changes to be made and there have been errors made, but only people not doing anything never make errors.