Weekend in review

Saturday started with the annual Community Health Fair is held at the each year. The event has grown in popularity each and every year. It's free to the public and is always filled with information and activities for all ages. This Health Fair provides the community with a well-rounded sampler of the many health options available for individuals of all ages. According to Yvette Gillespie all but a few of the vendors were local and they had a busy morning Traditional and complimentary health care providers, as well as fitness, senior services, nutrition and wellness counselors were on-hand to educate the public and provide information on important health-related issues. While there I had my eyes checked,my blood pressure taken,my sugar checked a massage, told the benefits of not smoking and a tour of the new Decontamination tent that the fire department has available. I left the Health fair feeling that if I had a health problem or accident I was in good hands.
then it was off to the Air Evac helipcopter for the ride of my life.The Ride was part of a promotion by the rotary Toys for Tots Fun day in which there was a drawing for the rides on the Air Evac helipcopter.
Areial Photos 
then there was Magnums Toys for Tots family Fun Day. At the Fun day there was music food a car and bike Show. There was $2500.00 raided the day of the event and by week end a check was written to Toys for Tots for $4000.00 . This is just another case of giving to the community Houston County is famous for

then VFW Post 9689 had their Ribbon Cutting. The VFW took over the old jail on Hill Street in Erin, in March and a transformation has taken place. VFW members and many community people and officials gathered out front of the new VFW Post Home for the Ribbon Cutting. This was a big accomplishment for the VFW Post 9689, because they have never had a Post Home before. All their meetings and gatherings have always been held at Erin, City Hall.
Following the Ribbon Cutting and fellow-shipping, at four 0'clock there was a Fish Fry and live music. Fish and all the fixing's were available for dine in or take out. Those who chose to eat at the VFW, were entertained by local entertainers. Those who were there to share there talents were Debbie Schmidt, Ashley Baggett, Cathy Smith, Garret Seay and friends.
All who attended had plenty of food and a good time. The evening was finished off with some dancing. Be sure to watch for the next Fish Fry in the Spring...
MORE PHOTOS We finished out the day at Wrights Friend and Family yearly barbecue.

Robert Wright said there was two hundred and fifty people at the event. For me it was some of the best home cooking in the area. I love Houston County sorry I have been so long in getting the pictures up.