Announces Inclusion of Tennessee Projects in Commerce, Justice, and Science Spending Bill
WASHINGTON, D.C - U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) today announced that the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill, which was approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee this week, includes significant funding for a number of justice programs across Tennessee.
“Tennessee law enforcement officials are working hard to keep the Volunteer state safe, and this legislation should help provide the resources they will need to continue to fight violent crime, gangs and drugs,” said Alexander, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “Additional dollars we secured also should enhance law enforcement’s efforts to be better coordinated in growing communities.”
The FY2008 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Bill includes funding for the following projects:
- $2 million for the Memphis Regional Law Enforcement Project to combat an increase in violet crime and gang activity in the Memphis region, using resources from the City of Memphis, Shelby County and the University of Memphis.
- $350,000 for the Tennessee Statewide Methamphetamine Task Force to continue providing comprehensive training and integrated equipment, which will allow officers to more effectively report lab seizures, quarantine contaminated sites, and track and target serious and repeat offenders.
- $ 250,000 for Davidson County Mental Health Court initiative to help develop a much needed link between Nashville’s criminal justice system and the mental health community to better meet the needs of recovering individuals.
- $ 200,000 for Oak Ridge Law Enforcement Communications Project to specifically support a new umbrella communications system in the western portions of the City, where new population growth is the strongest.
The Senate version of the FY08 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill must now be considered by the full United States Senate.